
Bully pc completo portugues
Bully pc completo portugues

bully pc completo portugues

“Infinite Components”: Only works for components you already have in your inventory. “Stealth Mode”: Enemies will not see you, but if you attack them, you will be detected. “Damage Multiplier”: The display damage value is not affect, the actual damage is multiplied. “One Hit Kill”, “Damage Multiplier”: Disable these options when you’re in a fist fight, otherwise you may not be able to win the fight. “One Hit Kill”, “Damage Multiplier”: Note these options also affect vehicles, if you’re in a vehicle, you should disable these options. “XP Multiplier”, “Street Cred Multiplier”, “Skill XP Multiplier”: The displayed XP/cred amount you’re getting is not affect, but they will be multiplied before adding to your total XP/cred. “Max Skill Progression”: Takes effect when you gain skill progression. “Infinite Street Cred”: Takes effect when you gain street cred.

bully pc completo portugues

“Infinite XP”: Takes effect when you gain XP. Grenade quantity must be greater than 1 for it to work. “Infinite Grenades”: Takes effect when using grenades. For items greater than 9999, use Items Won’t Decrease option if needed.

bully pc completo portugues

Only works for item quantity greater than 1 and less than 9999. “Infinite Items/Ammo”: Takes effect when item/ammo quantity decreases. “Teleport To Waypoint”: After teleportation, you will fall from certain height, use “Infinite Health” to prevent fall damage.Īlt+Num 4 – Infinite Quickhack ComponentsĪlt+Num 8 – Infinite Double Jump (Requires Reinforced Tendons) Takes effect when you pick up these items. “Pick Up Items Multiplier”: Works for resolver materials, tradables, and camp resources. “Infinite Camp Resources”: Takes effect when you pick up camp resources. Takes effect when you pick up resolver materials or tradables. “Infinite Materials”: Works for resolver materials and tradables. “Infinite Depleted Uranium”, “Depleted Uranium Multiplier”: Takes effect when you pick up depleted uranium. “Infinite Exp”: Takes effect when you gain exp. When activated, you can build and upgrade buildings even if you don’t have materials, but if you have materials, they will be used. “Ignore Building Requirements”: Activate before entering building menu.

bully pc completo portugues

“Infinite Grenades/Throwables”, “Infinite Healing Syringes”, “Infinite Auto Turrets”: When activated, their quantities won’t decrease. “Ignore Crafting Requirements”: When activated, you can craft items even if you don’t have materials, but if you have materials, they will be used. “Infinite Money(Yaran Pesos)”, “Money Multiplier”: Takes effect when you pick up money (Yaran Pesos). “Stealth Mode”: If you’re detected before activating this option, you will need to leave the battle in order to enter stealth mode. “One Hit Kill”, “Damage Multiplier”: Only works on human, note it also affects friendly NPC and civilians. “Infinite Ammo”: When activated, ammo won’t decrease when reloading.

Bully pc completo portugues